Speaking jobs: teaching

Speaking jobs: teaching

I was listening to an interesting conversation between my sister and our cousin - both teachers - about going back to school for yet another 'vocal cords tearing' year in class. My cousin clearly wished she had another choice, she was really tired of keeping a speaking job called teaching. These are two women who are passionate about teaching, but just wish to give their vocal cords a much needed rest if they could.

Teaching? Take care of your voice

Teaching and your voice

I'm not a teacher but I've always loved teaching despite its reputation as being a tough job, and despite the fact that teachers are not so well remunirated, but I never gave much thought to the fact that teachers used their voices a whole lot more than other professionals - even more than public speakers! That it can be tiring speaking for almost an entire working day. That picture scares me and makes me appreciate teachers even more.

Teaching children in the foudation phases is said to be worse since you not only NOT get much dialogue and participation (which allow you to take a breather), but you most often have to raise your voice a bit to keep order in the often chaotic classrooms. Now imagine being a woman, teaching Grade 1, and having kids (and a husband) at home to stretch those vocal cords further.

Unlike public speakers, teachers rarely see their jobs as public speaking ones and therefore do not take good care of their voices as 'public speakers' do. It is very important that teachers attend voice training courses and learn how to not only care for/preserve their voices, but also to maximise their impacts for better teaching.

Teaching? Voice article

Make teaching about communication