Ending a speech strongly and with conviction

Ending a speech strongly, with conviction

How you conclude your well-presented speech will have a strong impact on the overall outcome and rating of your presentation.

Conclusions must be strong and dynamic, and must tie in to your opening and overall purpose of the presentation. Remember that at the beginning you introduced the audience to the objective/purpose; at the end, you are supposed to remind them of what the purpose was. It is of utmost important to fully memorize this part of your speech/presentation.

Why you want to have an impactful ending: ending a speech strongly and powerfully

Why do you need to end your speech with power and conviction

If you had a strong opening, you have already established some audience expectation and hopefully your speech met those expectations. A conclusion allows you to reflect and check how best you have delivered. Do not spoil your whole presentation with a poor conclusion that does little to assert the purpose of your presentation.

How to have a strong ending: your aids to a memorable conclusion

You may start your conclusion by asking a rhetorical question Summarize your major, important points and do so with reference to your opening remarks. If necessary, make a direct appeal to your audience, and you may also conclude with a relevant quotation.

Ending a speech strongly is just as important as opening it!

Ending speech strongly needs preparation