Acting: you need skills to become an actor or an actress

Acting: you need skills to become an actor or an actress

The act of being an actress/actor - acting is a very specialised form of art. You require a whole range of qualities to be an actor/actress - simply being a drama queen/king wouldn't help. Acting. You need to do breath therapy, learn how to project your voce, develop Poise, be confident and have a good self esteem. You also need to be a hard worker, always trying to improve on your acting skills - and to do this, you have to be receptive of constructive criticism.

Acting is a technical form of art

Acting is a technical form of art

Acting is a technique that, even though may occur naturally, the importance of a good acting school cannot be emphasised enough. A school is where you learn the tools of the trade and where you perfect your natural acting talent. It is also where you can find temporary acting jobs and get to know some good castng agencies.

A lot of will-be or wannabe actors/actresses are scammed by crooks acting as casting agents and you need to know how to find a reputable agent, when and how to contact them - good schools and good manuals/books will teach you these things.

Acting: breath therapy is needed

To act well, you need to accept constructive criticism

